Route – section no. 6 (11 km) Krzysztof Buczkowski 19 April 2022

Route – section no. 6 (11 km)

Zubrzyca Górna, Orava Ethnographic Park Museum – Open-air Museum in Sidzina – Museum of Folk Culture

After leaving the Orava Ethnographic Park Museum, we continue our trip and after driving about 1.5 km along voivodeship road 957, we turn left into the county road leading from Zubrzyca Górna to Sidzina. After crossing again the border of the Nowy Targ and Sucha counties, via the Zubrzycka Pass and the Sidzina Wielka Polana, we reach the Bińkówka housing estate in Sidzina. Here we find a small open-air museum of regional architecture, whose full name is: Open-Air Museum in Sidzina – Museum of Folk Culture.


Until 2009 it was a branch of the Orava Ethnographic Park Museum in Zubrzyca Górna, and now it functions as an independent institution run by the municipality. The open-air museum was established in 1963, when the historic Banasik’s cottage from 1807, transferred from Sidzinka Mała, was opened to the public. Apart from the Banasik’s cottage, there are 7 other separate buildings located on the banks of the Ciśniawka creek flowing down the slopes of Polica. These are: the cottage of Anna Kozioł from Spytkowice from 1901, the cottage of the mayor Maj (Kostkowiok) from Sidzina from the second half of the 18th century, the farm cottage of Gałka from Bystra from the end of the 19th century, A two-storey wooden lamus (granary) with a so-called ‘górka’ (1897), a late nineteenth century smithy with a full smithery equipment inside, a watermill from the beginning of the twentieth century standing on a stone foundation, and a Loretto belfry (1937), a wooden building with boarded walls, covered with shingle roofs.

The oldest and the most valuable historic object of the open-air museum, Banasik’s cottage, is a structure with a log construction, built of fir logs joined at corners in the so-called dovetail. It is a type of chimneyless cottage In the gable, shingled roof there are smoke holes leading smoke away from the inside of the cottage. A porch runs along the whole length of the front wall, above which the roof eaves are supported on decorative supports. Inside the one-bay building, traditionally comprising a black room (also called a bakery) and a white room (świetnica), a chamber and the so-called ‘wyska’, a room in the attic which serves as a granary, one can see farm equipment and utensils. In turn, in the mayor’s cottage there is an exhibition devoted to flax processing, with a weaving workshop and auxiliary equipment. Recently, the open-air museum underwent a number of renovation and conservation works, and the exhibitions were enriched with thematic multimedia presentations using the holography technique.

In addition to permanent exhibitions, the open-air museum also holds temporary exhibitions and traditional crafts workshops.


Address: 34-236 BN, Sidzina

Car park: open to the public, next to the building

Opening hours: V-X Tues.-Fri. 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM; Sat. 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM; Sun. 2:00 PM -6:00 PM, XI-IV Tues.-Fri.  8:00 AM - 3:00 PM(at other times by prior arrangement tel. 501 597 208)

Admission: Adults: 8,00 PLN, Children: 6,00 PLN, Groups (min. 15 persons): 5,00 PLN (the guide fee is included in the prices), walking ticket: 3,00 PLN



N49 37.157 (49.619283)

E19 42.089 (19.701483)

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