‘THE ROME’ INN IN SUCHA BESKIDZKA Powiatsuski 10 February 2022


The wooden ‘Rome’ Inn (Rzym), situated in the market square of Sucha Beskidzka, is well known to lovers of literature. It is here, as Adam Mickiewicz wrote in his ballad “Pani Twardowska”, that the meeting between nobleman Twardowski and Mephistopheles took place; it is also here that Beskid robbers often counted their booty. The inn probably stood in its present location as early as 1719, the present building, which may have been the result of an extension of the earlier one, was erected in the second half of the 18th century. At that time the inn belonged to the Sucha Beskidzka estate. The last works, which gave it its present appearance, took place in the 1960s. It is a log construction building, erected on a rectangular plan, covered with a massive hipped shingle roof. From the side of the market square attention is drawn to the characteristic low arcades, supported on profiled columns, between which pairs of arcades are inscribed, divided by decorative mouldings, the so-called ‘dogs’.

GPS 49°44'32.6"N 19°36'05.5"E
49.742392, 19.601524

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